IPWO Proxy Settings

Step 1: Log in to the IPWO website

Visit the IPWO official site: and click the [登录]button.

Tip: IPWO Proxy supports free trial for the first registration

Step 2: Access User Center

Log in to your IPWO account and go to the [用户中心].

Note: Complete identity verification first.

Step 3: Create Subaccount

In the left [子账号列表], click [添加] to create a new subaccount.

Step 4: Set Subaccount Info

In the popup, enter a username and password.


Username/password: 2-12 characters, must include letters and numbers.

Traffic limit: -1 for unlimited; 0 means successful connection but unusable.

Step 5: Retrieve Proxy Information

Go to [获取代理] then select [获取代理] Choose the desired region, subuser, sticky session, proxy protocol, and any other parameters needed.

Step 6: Complete Proxy Information Retrieval

After completing the previous settings, you will receive the proxy information. Copy the provided details and configure them in your proxy software.

Step 7: Configure Proxy in XLogin Browser

XLogin supports a 3-day free test for new users!

In XLogin, add the proxy by logging into the XLogin application, then click [New browser profile] -> [Basic configuration] -> [Setting proxy server]

Step 8: Enter Proxy Information

Enable [Enable proxy server] and select [HTTP Proxy], Paste the proxy information generated by IPWO into the corresponding fields in XLogin.

Proxy Type: HTTP is used in this example. Note that IPWO supports HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 protocols.

Step 9: Save Proxy Settings

Click [Test Proxy] to verify its availability. If successful, you’ll see the proxy info. Click [Save] to save the configuration.

Step 10: Start Proxy

Click [Save Profile]to begin using the configured proxy. You can now safely conduct online activities with the proxy enabled.

Note: XLogin browser has no proxy IP service, users need to purchase proxy IP from a third party. Third-party platforms provide proxy-related tutorials and are not related to the XLogin. Users are strictly prohibited from using XLogin to engage in any illegal and criminal activities, and users are responsible for the relevant responsibilities caused by using XLogin.